The Sunshine Award #2



The most wonderful Sunbae a gal could ask for has nominated me for a second Sunshine Award!  Truly, Kfangurl is just the most wonderful friend and blogger.  If you haven’t checked out her blog you’re crazy!  Get over to The Fangirl Verdict this instant!  Go on get!  Ahem… alright then, on to the award part 2!!

The Guidelines!

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate a few other bloggers
  • Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.images9
  • Notify the bloggers on their blog.
  • Put the award button on your blog.

My Questions from the gorgeous Kfangurl!

1. What’s your favorite kdrama?

Omo, now this is a hard question!  Honestly, I don’t think I have just one favorite.  I have a few that I love the most for a few different reasons.  The first one that comes to mind is The Master’s Sun, because images2this is the drama that helped me to convince my husband to watch Asian Dramas with me!  But then I love City Hunter too because it solidified my obsession for dramas.  Then there’s Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo because I’m pretty sure it is the cutest story ever!  Yet I cannot forget Coffee Prince because it is amazing in every single way.

2. Your favorite k-movie?

I’ve only recently started to watch K-movies.  I’m really enjoying them!  As far as my favorite goes…  I’d have to go with Snowpiercer.  I love post apocalyptic anything, combine that with Korean Actors and a imagesKorean Director and I was in heaven.  The story was so good, acting was over the top amazing, and the production value was to die for.

3. Your favorite thing about blogging?

The People!!!  Seriously, I have made so many friends since starting this blog that I just cannot imagine my life without.  The community is open and wonderful and accepting.  No matter what or when there is usually someone around to squee with!  Having met so many folks that have enriched my life I truly cannot imagine not blogging anymore.

images84. How do you balance blogging with Real Life? Assuming that you have a Real Life 😉

Real life often rears its ugly head and devours me whole, for weeks at a time.  I don’t balance it as well as I would like.  When I began the blog I wanted to post several times a week!  And I actually managed it for awhile.  I even tried live watching and recapping while I lived watched!  Boy was that a lot to do!  I at least learned that I don’t want to recap I only want to review.  But since then I’ve some health concerns that have taken me away and eat up a lot of my free time.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that soon I’ll be able to dedicate more time to blogging.

5. Which kdrama character (does not have to be a lead character) would you like to date in real life?images1

Now I won’t admit that this choice has a little bit to do with the actor who plays him (because it totally does) but I’d like to date Bae Sung Hyun.  He was Choi Jin Hyuk’s character from the original I Need Romance.  The unusual thing about this chaebol is the fact that he’s a sweet and good man.  None of that aloof and condescending attitude here!  He’s such a romantic too, which I’m a sucker for!

6. Which kdrama character (again, does not have to be a lead character) would you like to be BFFs with images3in real life?

Oh this one is easy!  I would pick Miho, Shin Min ah’s Gumiho from My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.  She was quirky and fun and had super powers, I mean come one what’s not to love?  Not to mention she was wonderfully loyal and loving.

7. If you could re-cast any kdrama, which roles would you re-cast, and with whom?

It would have to be Playful Kiss and only the main lead’s part.  Baek Seung Jo played by Kim Hyun Joong.  That part was so painful for me!  He was stiff and emotionless and just never really believable images6that he was in love.  I love him, I do, he was one of my first crushes on my Asian Drama Journey.  However, I really couldn’t stand him in that role.  Who would I replace him with?  That’s a tough one, but I think Kim Jae Wook would have been great.  He can play cold and calculating but he can also show amazing warmth.

8. If you could say one thing to any actor or actress in k-ent, who would you pick, and what would you say to him/her?

images7I believe I’d have to pick Amber from f(x).  She seems so real and absolutely in love with who she is.  I’d tell her how thankful I am that she provides that sort of role model to young women.  It is important to accept your individuality and love who you are.  To me Amber embodies this.


You can see my first Sunshine Award Here!

My Questions for You!

* How long have you been blogging?

* How do you come up with content for your blog?

* What are some blogs that you look up to and admire?images4

* What genres of dramas do you feel the most drawn to?

* When you aren’t watching Asian Dramas, what types of shows are you watching?

* Who is your all time favorite character from a drama that you’ve watched?


My Nominations!

Lady G!



Miss Nelly!

Drama Fan and Gumi!

9 thoughts on “The Sunshine Award #2

  1. WOOOW, Another nomination! LOL. I must discuss this with Kfangurl. Since we can co-write our answers like last time. Thanks!

    Ahhhh I love Post apocalyptic too!! omo, do you read YA books? (I can barely relate to teens anymore, but I’m drawn to the sci-fi genre in the YAs)

    I have 3 amazing series for you. The “Life as we knew it” Moon Trilogy by Susan Beth Pfeiffer, and this one is amazzzzing…”The way we fall (Fallen world series)” Trilogy by Megan Crewe. And guess what had me spazzing about that one…one of the male leads is KOREAN. (You so know this author watches dramas) I won’t give anything away, but since you like that genre, i highly suggest you read it. 😀

    I also suggest After the Snow by S.D crocket, I only read the first in the series but it was marvelous.

    And I hear you about blogging. I get so pumped to blog things, and then I just deflate like a big balloon. I need more willpower in a billion and one things in my life, and blogging is one of them. lol And I would not be able to pick a favorite K-drama either. I’d have to put at least three.


    1. I do read YA Books! Well sometimes lol it depends on the topic I suppose. I am always open to book suggestions! Though with Dramas I find it hard to balance my time between blogging and dramas and life and books and the other shows I watch lol. Ok I’m going to go out and find those books lol! Especially the one with the lead being Korean! Haha. Have you read S.M. Stirling’s Emberverse Series? This is one of my most favorite Post Apocalyptic series ever in existence.

      I’m trying to find better balance and motivation to keep the blog going. I look up to Kfangurl heh, her blog works so well, she posts so often, and her content is seriously great!

      There are just way to many dramas out there I really can’t pick just one! I love them all, even the ones that I didn’t enjoy at all I love them too lol because they have helped to teach me what I don’t like in a drama.


  2. Thanks for answering my questions, Jaime! This was fun to read 🙂

    I agree, it’s really hard to pick a favorite drama or movie.. I just wanted to know what are your top picks, and I can see why Master’s Sun has a special spot on your list, if it got your hubs to watch kdrama with you! I haven’t seen Snowpiercer, but I’ve heard good things about it! I’ll put it on the list of movies to check out – for when a movie mood hits!

    Heh. I can TOTALLY see why you’d pick a Choi Jin Hyuk character to date in RL.. and among the characters I’ve seen him play, his INR character is not a bad choice at all! And your BFF pick is awesome. I luff Shin Min Ah, and I luffed her in MGiaG. She’s so feisty and sweet and adorable. ❤

    Funny thing about Playful Kiss. I hated the way KHJ played Seung Jo on my first watch and totally found him too stiff. But on subsequent watches, his Seung Jo actually grew on me. Maybe it’s coz I learned to look for the little signs that Seung Jo really did care. And maybe it’s also coz I learned to switch off my brain while watching, lol.

    Also, thanks for the tag-back love. We will answer those questions soon! 🙂


    1. Sure! I had fun with the questions!

      Master’s Sun will always have a special place lol even more so since the hubby has said he’d like to rewatch it lol. There are a lot of K-dramas that I happily put on blinders for, but Master’s Sun will always have HUGE blinders for me heh. If you are in the mood for a darker, well written story that is gorgeously filmed then I really recommend Snowpiercer.

      I couldn’t pick anything but a Choi Jin Hyuk character heh I’m pretty sure the K-Drama gods would have struck me down 😉 Of all the Chaebol characters I’ve seen his INR second lead is pretty darn sweet. I knew that you’d like Miho from MGiaG as my BFF. She’s spunky and magical and just a total hoot! Hehe I would have so much fun with her 

      You aren’t the first person to point that out to me. The first watch was not so much love, but on the second watch it fell into place. Perhaps I need to set some time aside and watch this one again. Or I just need to use my blinders a bit more! lol


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