About Noona

I’m not sure if there is a common picture out there of the type of person who watches K-Dramas with obsessive intensity.  If there is this image of a K-Drama Addict I probably am as far from that picture as you can get.

Right now I’m a full time mom, wife, and have a full time job.  Life is hectic and busy and crazy, but I’m happy and really couldn’t ask for anything more.  My son just turned five and is both a precious gift and a rambunctious monster, which I cannot imagine my life without.  My husband is a stay at home dad and part time illustrator; we’ve been married for fifteen years.

My usual hobbies include geeking out over video games (I own a Xbox 360, PS 3 & 4, dedicated gaming desktop), geeking out about anything Comic Book related (both DC & Marvel), anything Tolkien, StarTrek, Firefly, Star Wars, or pretty much every tabletop game ever.  I’m also addicted to The Bronte sisters, Jane Austen, and anything Regency.  Mostly I’m a tom-boy with a secret girly side.

At a glance I’m not a person who you’d think would fall head over heels in love with Korean Dramas.  But here I am anyway, absolutely addicted.

I hope that we can have many conversations, moments of squee, and engaging conversations about drama!

Jaime the Drama Noona

P.S. If you want to know more about me than truly necessary than check out my Liebster Award!


I have several pages over the web dedicated to my love of Dramas.  In case you wanted to check out what I’m doing elsewhere I’ve included a list of my appearances.


Google +





47 thoughts on “About Noona

  1. Congrats on movin’ over to WP, Jaime!! 😀 Your spanking new site looks great, and you’ve only been on here less than a day, WOOT! I’m sure as you get more settled, it’s just gonna look better and better! Jaime FIGHTING! ^^


    1. Thanks! And thanks for the encouraging words to help me decide on making the move. I’m glad it looks nice, I just sort of threw a header together so when I get back to my home computer and photoshop I’m going to make an attempt to copy your amazing headers 🙂 Fighting!


      1. I actually went to art school, for multimedia design. I love photoshop, but it has been ages since I’ve done anything in photoshop so don’t expect too much! I’ll need to work the rust off before I’m happy with anything.


      2. I did indeed! But that was ooohhh… 10 years ago so I’m not certain that my skills are anything to be impressed with anymore. There has been a lot of time since I had a need to use the creative side of my brain.


      1. Thank you!
        And since you were so kind to nominate me back, I thought I’d let you know I’ve finally gotten around to answering your questions! *hooray!* You can read them here… http://wp.me/p2m44S-u7 (I was lame and just added them to my original post. Oh well.)


  2. Hi Jaime unnie!

    I’m Isabella from CHOCOLABS, a mobile application developer and publisher in Taiwan that has produced chart-topping APPs.

    Believed you love k-drama (same here!) and its our mission to provide best drama watching experience anytime anywhere to all users. We will soon launch a totally revamped version of our current app DRAMOT+ (not sure if you’ve heard about our product before) and would like to enquire if it is possible to get your kind help to try it out and give us a review (if you’re interested, of course :D).

    We look forward to your kind response.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! Lovely to meet you!

      I do love Asian Dramas very much! It is always lovely to meet a fellow fan! I haven’t heard of the app before, but I’ve been doing a little research since you contacted me and it looks like a great program.

      Thank you so much for considering me for this. I would be exceptionally happy to help out and review your new app! If you would like you can send me details at my email Drama.Noona@gmail .com. I look forward to hearing from you!

      ❤ Jaime


  3. Hi DramaNoona! I just discovered your sight and saw your freebie headers. Do you still customize headers? I would love to have a few for my new blog. Feel free to email me. Thx!


    1. First allow me to apologize for the terribly late reply, I had to take some time away from the Internet to deal with some family things.

      If you’re still interested in a customized header please let me know, I’d happily make one for you!


      1. Hi! No proble. I know how it is. I’d almost forgotten that I asked you about banners. But yes, I’m still interested if you’re still willing to make them. What info do you need from me?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No worries! Just tell me the actors/actresses/idols that you like and the size of you banner so I can fit it exactly to what you need. Lastly, what you’d like the text to read. Hwaighting!


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